Anthony Douglas Cragg
In 2018, we succeeded in collaborating with Sir Anthony D. Cragg, the holder of many awards and the author of numerous world exhibitions, in the field of exploring the possibility of using this unique material.
The author designed and created a unique sculpture from subfossil oak plywood, 140 cm high.

Black Bone statue by Vlastimil Beránek
Vlastimil Beránek, a representative of the third glass generation in the Beránek family, also created a unique work from our subfossil wood: Looking back is sometimes surprising, because with increasing distance from the event, connections blur. The river of time flowed freely until it flowed into oblivion, “ perceives the history of events. An exception and a tangible memory, however, are the finds of non-petrified wood. Specifically, it is a subfossil oak, a rare and inspiring material from which the statue of Black Bone is created.
“The opportunity to work with such unique material is like prayer, the search for abstract, organic form and content, like conversation. These remains of once giant giants are like relics of forgotten events, bones of ancient ancestors. The analogy of graves and bones is offered and close to me. Bones always silently tell the stories of their past existence. Subfossil oak is not only a material in the sense of the word, it is also a complete confidential legacy of ancestors. “