Enter the 6500-year-old forest

The starry sky that we all share indiscriminately inspires each of us and leads to pauses and contemplation. So it was in the past, so it is in the present, so it will be forever.
In front of the Czech pavilion at the EXPO World Exhibition in Dubai, there is a set of standing trunks made of subfossil oak reaching a height of 4 m. The strains were mined in the Czech Republic in North Moravia from a depth of about 6 m in 2016. Their age is 6500 years, as dated by the radiocarbon method in the laboratories of Beta Analytic in Miami, USA. The wood is promineralized from 6 to 17%, the weight of stabilized 1m3 of subfossil oak is 950 kg. Each of the exposed tribes has its name after its brother or sister in the night sky.
With this project, our company is trying to reflect on how short a period of modern history humanity has taken a big step forward.